تصميم مجانى
ضمان 5 سنين
أنظمة دفع متعددة
غرف الدريسنج بأسعار تبدأ من 1300 للمتر المربع
تصميم مجانى حسب متطلبات العميل
مدة التنفيذ من 30-40 يوم
دفعات التعاقد 60 % ثم 25 % ثم 15 % بعد التسليم
What we do in 4 easy steps
Our expert designers will visit you in your home to discuss your ideas and assess your exact needs.
After your initial design visit, our designers will present plans, elevations and visuals to show you how your furniture could look
Our mess-free, hassle-free installation is carried out by polite professionals who take the utmost care of your home throughout the whole process.
You can expect the highest level of personal service at every stage of your cityymall experience and a 5 year guarantee for additional peace of mind.
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